This week was the launch of a new book, Step into the Light.
Step into the Light is a compelling anthology of poems and stories that delves in to the heart of recovery from addiction.
This collection is more that just words on a page; it’s a mosaic of experiences from those who have wrestled with the shadows of addiction and emerged into the light of healing.
Each piece of work in the anthology have been contributed by individuals who have either faced substance use or have been impacted by it, providing a unique perspective on the complex journey of recovery.
The anthology was inspired by a creative writing group that sustained through the trials of the Covid-19 pandemic and is a communal voice of empowerment and a reminder that no one walks the path of recovery alone.
A Life Lived Right by Romanetta, a PROPS young carer
I had no one, I had nothing
I had no support, no shoulder to lean on
Mum was not there… I needed a network
I thought about it for a while
I had no friends
I was lonely
I found comfort and a safe place
I have a lot of aspirations
I want to do something good with my life
I want it to be a meaningful life
I want people to know that I did it right
That I lived my right life.
Living Without Fear For Other by Tina (carer)
Do not wait to your in crisis to ask for support
You may find yourself alone with nowhere to turn
Seek help from friends and others who share your experiences
I am in a difficult place today…
I still have a long way to go
Hope is a future we often cannot clearly see
The impact of addiction on my family and me
Strive to live without fear and anxiety
Fear for them, not for me.
Lost and Found by Sophie (Young Person)
Sometimes try and understand I do not need you to fix me
I just get sad about life sometimes
I shut the world out to try and protect myself and
When I feel better I may let the world back in.
Sometimes I feel the need to just disappear
Really I just need to be found
Step into the Light emerged from the creative writing group at Fenham Library Hub in Newcastle that Wendy Bulmer from NTaR Drug and Alcohol Project set up.
With unyielding support from Rachael Hope and Louisa Baily from Newcastle City Public Health Team the project grew and was able to progress into a published piece of work that embraced stories from other services involved in the Recovery Story of Newcastle; Newcastle User and Carer Forum, Fenham Recovery Group, Oaktrees, REFORM, and PROPS specialist family support service.
PROPS would like to thank Kevin Ward, Lydia Lockhead and Dr. John Cavener, Dr Steph Scott and Dr Michelle Addison.
Special thanks to Tracey Moore and Sian McArthur who provided the illustrations for the book.
Step into the Light will be available in libraries and services across Newcastle.