0191 226 3440

(open everyday 9am - 9pm)

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Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training intervention – CRAFT 

Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training is an internationally renowned program designed to teach you different approaches to addressing the problems caused by alcohol and drugs within your family. 

CRAFT encourages you to replace nagging, pleading and threatening behaviour with a more positive motivational approach.  

Evidence suggests that compared with similar programmes, CRAFT is four times more likely to result in substance users entering into treatment and three times more effective in helping them to stop their substance use.  

CRAFT aims to: 

  1. Improve your emotional health, physical health, and relationships
  2. Reduce your family members harmful drinking and/or drug use 
  3. Support your family member into treatment* 

* With help from you, your family member will be better placed to: 

  • Motivate themselves to engage with treatment services 
  • Recover more effectively 

Treatment could be GP, alcohol and drug services, hobbies, peer support meetings such as, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and SMART meetings. 

CRAFT gives you the skills and knowledge to manage your situation. The program is delivered by our team of qualified and experienced CRAFT Therapists over eight one to one or group sessions. 

Please contact us for more information. 

Behavioural Couples Therapy – BCT 

Behavioural Couples Therapy is the process of working with two people to strengthen and support behavioural change.  

We use BCT with families to rebuild trust, help people to achieve and maintain abstinence and to improve the relationship between you and your family member who uses alcohol and/or drugs.  

BCT has three main objectives: 

  1. To eliminate problematic drinking and drug use 
  2. To engage your support in an effort to change your family members behaviour 
  3. To enhance the way families communicate 

The BCT process: 

  • BCT is facilitated for a total of 12 weeks, delivered on a weekly basis with each session lasting 1 hour  
  • You and your family member will develop a recovery contract which will become the foundation for each weekly session  

BCT covers the following areas:

  • Using positive communication and low expressed emotion  
  • Relapse prevention and Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS) 
  • Emergency planning  
  • Increasing positive activities 

BCT may not suitable for all families. Please contact us for more information

Family Mediation  

Family Mediation is a process which can help decrease conflict within families and find new ways to positively communicate and strengthen relationships.

The mediation process:

  • Stage One – Introduction to mediation, joint meeting
  • Stage Two – Clarify your main concerns within separate meetings
  • Stage Three – Explore the main concerns together
  • Stage Four – Negotiate concerns together
  • Stage Five – Working together

Please contact us for more information.