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Newcastle Services
Newcastle Treatment and Recovery – NTaR
NTaR cover all of drug and alcohol services within Newcastle and is an ageless service. Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust are the lead provider in partnership with Humankind and Changing Lives under the name of NTaR.
Newcastle Carers
Newcastle Carers is an independent charity supporting adults, children and young people who care for someone living in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Byker Sands Family Centre – Community Family Hub East
Support, activities and events for families and children provided by Barnardo’s North East. This is one of Newcastle’s Sure Start centres.
Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service – NIDAS
Specialist support service that offer as range of support for people experiencing domestic abuse in Newcastle.
Information NOW
Information NOW is the information website for adults, their families, and carers in Newcastle. Helping you stay informed, make choices, plan ahead, be independent and have an excellent quality of life.
Adult and Children Services Newcastle Upon Tyne
Changing Lives
Changing Lives is a nationwide charity helping people who are in crisis or who need support to overcome serious challenges that can limit their opportunities.
George Street Social
George Street Social is The Road to Recovery Trust’s first major project. Enjoy football, music and theatre, dance or just unwind without alcohol being involved!

North Tyneside Services
North Tyneside Recovery Partnership – NTRP
NTRP is an all age substance misuse service, who are there to meet the needs of the local people of North Tyneside.
North Tyneside Carer’s Centre
North Tyneside Carers Centre is an independent charity and the only generic carer support service in North Tyneside supporting both young and adult carers.
Harbour Domestic Abuse Service
Harbour works with families and individuals who are affected by abuse from a partner, former partner, or other family member.
Adult and Children Services – North Tyneside
The Front Door Service provides access to all services for adults, children, and families in North Tyneside.
Young Person Services
Acorns offers a range of services to support families affected by domestic abuse in North Tyneside and Northumberland.
Barnardo’s protect, support, and nurture the UK’s most vulnerable children. They help hundreds of thousands of children, young people, parents, and carers via their 1000+ services across the UK.
National Services
Adfam is the national charity working to improve life for families affected by drugs or alcohol.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics – NACOA
NACOA is a registered charity founded in 1990 to address the needs of children growing up in families where one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or a similar addictive problem.