Maybe… perhaps… Christmas means a little bit more.
This quote from one of Dan’s many favourite Christmas films, the Grinch, struck a chord with him when he met one young Person for the first time.
Dan, PROPS Young Persons Worker, was in full gift giving mode when the young person asked: “But why me?”
Dans reply: “But why not you?”
Dan, and his always amiable assistant Teresa, had spent much time picking up presents (kindly donated to PROPS by Metro Radio’s Cash-4-Kids Appeal), shopping for extras, bagging sweets (and eating a few, for quality control I believe – yes, Dan himself provided the evidence so he can’t deny it), wrapping parcels and planning drop-offs, with just the thought that the gifts would be gratefully received and no questions would be asked.

After hours of wrapping and packing, Dan, along with the PROPS team of happy helpers, then set out to deliver the advent calendars, selection boxes, gift sacks and present packages to young people across Newcastle and North Tyneside
So, when one young person questioned why she was so special, why did she deserve the gifts more than anybody else? Dan was stuck for words…. for a second or two anyway. For this young person, it seemed that it wasn’t the present being given that was the gift. The gift was that Dan thought she was worthy and deserving of it.

By asking these questions this caring young person, without knowing it, gave an amazing gift back to PROPS. The gift was knowing that she was truly grateful, not only for the present but also for Dan being there to help when she felt that she had no hope.