The Tyne and Wear Citizens 2020 Listening Campaign, which began in December 2019, was disrupted by the COVID19 pandemic.
It has been amazing to see the responses of member institutions in meeting the important & immediate needs of our communities, organising to tackle some of the injustices felt during the crisis whilst also nurturing the well-being of ourselves and others.
Its now time to reinvigorate the listening campaign – so we can work together to set our new actions and organise for social justice.
To get us reconnected & started again… the Tyne and Wear Citizens Leadership Group invite you to:
Re-grouping for our Listening Campaign // Wednesday 24th June at 4.30-6.30pm // Zoom
At this meeting, we will:
- Gather to hear about what has been happening with our member institutions,
- Learn from each other about how listening might take place during this period,
- Plan how we can continue listening & the how the rest of 2020 looks for Tyne & Wear Citizens,
- Share exciting details about our July online community organising training programme!
You can already save the dates for this….6 short & sequential sessions at 10:00-11:30 & 1:30-3:00 on Wednesdays 1st, 8th & 15th July. Details to follow at the meeting.
Please register in advance so we know who to expect:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see the registrations rolling in soon.
It’ll be great to ‘be together’ again.
All the best,
Claire, Wendy & the Leadership Group
Claire Rodgerson
Community Organiser
Tyne & Wear Citizens
Mob: 07939 564 395
Email: [email protected] | @CitizensUK |
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